My last night in New York was really good. Tiffany has gone earlier that morning so for basically the first time ever, I had the room to myself! the gang came over & we ordered Sammy's just like always - which means chicken lomen, beef & broccoli, and pork fried rice. I tried to throw everything together while Alex wrapped his presents, Rel tried to learn this really hard song, and Josh was editing the intro to my writing final (aka he replaced some of my words with his, aka he wrote it for me). We all hung out late despite the fact that I had an ear-training final the next morning.
Rel helped me onto my train at Grand Central, and, of course, it was way sad. If we prolonged the goodbye we would have both been teary messes.
And so with that, my month away from the city began.
It's been actually really great. I've been doing absolutely nothing. It's fabulous.
We went to Cleveland for Christmas which was laaaame. & got some random gifts. & I've been loving my mom so much & also really love spending time with her.
New Years was fun. I was totally drunkenly dumb & I have the pictures to prove it.
So I'll be just hanging out for the next month & really really missing the city & school.
oh ps I gave the blog a new look, hoping it would inspire me to write in here more
Labels: christmas, good-bye, Winter Break
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