Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I felt like I was running around all day, which I weirdly really enjoy. I had 3 classes today, one of which was frustrating b/c I practiced something wrong, so I have to redo HOURS AND HOURS of practice. okay, maybe not hours. whatever, its annoying. & then my song for vocal rhythm section wasn't that bad. eh, I just need to pick a better fun song for next week. Then I went shopping, but don't get too excited. I only bought my favorite salad dressing (which is only exciting to me) and a mic & cable for it. Now I'm a real singer :)
Alex is stuck in Puerto Rico! He was suppose to come home on Sunday, but all flights into the city have been canceled until wed afternoon b/c of the snow (wtf? snow?. I'm excited to see him b/c I haven't been seen him for 6 days! ah! I wasn't prepared for this!

Oh, and we all thought this was funny. & so true:
      My best friend Anna is a single New York gal. She drew an analogy for me to better understand her singledom predictament.

"Rachael, here's the deal. I'm like Anne Frank's older sister in the Play Anne Frank's diary. The Franks and that other family (the name escapes me) are living in the Dutch attic. Food rations are meager. At one point in the play all they have to eat is some slightly rotting kale. All the characters in the play, except for Anne's older sister, manage to choke down the slightly rotting kale because they have nothing else to eat. Anne's older sister is loosing weight daily. She's starving, and yet she still won't eat the vile, slightly rotting kale. Her mother pleads with her to eat the disgusting kale because that's all there is to eat. And yet Anne's older sister won't touch it.

Rachael, I am Anne's older sister. The slightly rotting kale are the gentleman callers I have to choose from. I am starving for sex and afffection, maybe even some romance, but I'm not eating the slightly rotting kale. "

I suggested that Anna go out and get something else to eat. She responded, "I can't I'm stuck in the attic!"



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