"the spirit of the singer floating in vocalized air"

Today I had my first lesson with my private voice teacher, and I loved it.
When I got to her apartment I buzzed her apartment, and I waited. It was kinda my first time being buzzed up, or whatever the hell the terminology is, so I wasn't sure if I did it right. So I buzz about 3 times, and all I'm thinking is, "dear god, I bet she is wondering why I'm not coming in, or why i'm not talking into the thing, b/c am I suppose to be talking into the speaker thing, or do i just buzz it. Do I hold it down or just press it? wait, I'm pressing the right button? no, its 2G...or was it 2D...E, F...it was F...wait, is the door unlocked now..." So I call Rel. She lives in New York (okay so she lives in a suburb of New York), and I thought that she might know how to work it, but then my teacher comes and says "Hello! Are you Lisa?"
She had this thin curly wild grey hair, and just a bright face. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but still looked really fresh.
She lives 4 blocks away from me in this little apartment that reminds me of my Aunt Heidi's house because she has books and interesting things everywhere. She also has old photos all around her apartment of her performing with people. Its pretty awesome.
She's crazy, but a good totally manageable crazy. She was so supportive just in the first lesson, and gave me these practicing CDs to work with. On the first CD, she talks for a bit, and says this quote that she likes:
"Real singing is the spirit of the singer floating in vocalized air. To this, all hearts and minds listen. The spirits of the singer and listener meet."
& I totally like it to.
She gave me so much to work with that I can't wait to go back and learn more next Friday.

After my lesson I dragged my ass to Sam Ash, which is all the way up town (48th street to be exact) to get one stupid piano book for my piano class (which is a higher level than my theory and piano class...whatever). I kinda love 48th street. Its the music street. There are about 83460923746 music stores and all this different kind of music is playing out of each one. But once you pass them all, its just boring office building after boring corporate building. So, fuck it, take the subway down to the where I live because everything is better there.
Labels: midtown, voice lesson
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