"Oh, please have some pity, I'm all alone in this big city"

The first few days of college are seriously the weirdest days of my life.
I went from knowing what everyone was like in the 2nd grade to knowing no one.
A lot of the girls in my dorm are like best friends with their roomate and/or bond over going to parsons/shopping/impersonating nicole richie.
& then there's me, finding the most random people.
There's this kid who's on the 5th floor, from Jersy, always seems kinda stoned or something, & is into punk, but hes a really nice and open guy, so I find him & hang out with him. Today we were walking around (in the rain! it was pouring & i had on flip flops and shorts... egh). Anyway, we met up w/ some guys he knew like deep in the east village. We went to this tiny place that was crowded & of course felt very new york. I felt like I was w/ such hipster. One of the guys rolled his own cigarettes. Two or three were in bands. Another one is tall w/ shaggy hair & doesn't talk. Another one lives in Brooklyn & is doing photography at parsons (he took out his camera randomly, took a snap shot, and put it away without saying a word). & there I am with my red curly hair and a pink raincoat. I honestly thought to myself, what the hell am I doing here? A week ago, I was watching Degrassi in Cincinnati, Ohio. One of the guys kinda looked like a punk, had gages in his ears, and...other...punk looking things, but when he was talking to our like 50 year old waitress, he was so polite and seemed very genuine. & I totally loved that because I felt it was...idk so new school. Like even though he says fuck ever sentence, and talked about how he was trashed out of his mind last night, he still says "oh, thank you very much, ma'am."
Then there's this other kid in my dorm who I've been hanging out with. I don't know if he's just weird parsons student or a mysterious artist. Whatever, he's chill so its all good.
Yesterday, I was walking down my hallway to get to the elevator, to do god knows what, and I heard jazz music. Naturally, I followed. (okay, i might not know much about jazz music now, but I'm going to damn it.) So I found josh, jason, and christian. Josh & Jason lived in the quad at the end of the hallway. Josh is craaazy. Crazy in a good way, at least for right now. He talks fast & is really hilarious. He reminds me of a way more hyper & not as amazing version of steven, just b/c i guess he seems cool with everything and is really open and friendly. He plays jazz sax. Jason seems cool. Wayyyyy more calm compared to josh, but still nice. He's a jazz vocalist. & Christian is a piano player from lonGisland. His accent is thick as Heidi Klum's accent (& her skull). they're all pretty cool, easy to talk to & on my floor.
For the amount of girls in my dorm, I think its kinda weird that I'm not really hanging out with any. & while thats fine, I hope I meet some girls that are as chill & fun as these guys. I will, I mean I'm in New York there are about 732804762834762346 people here & there must be someone like me. Who's awesome. & dresses well. & likes to by her friends presents.
Labels: NY friends, school
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